TradingView's #1 Order Flow Script

Removing the noise to find daily trades in any asset is the key to making regular monthly income and it’s NOW attainable through TradingView's #1 order flow script.
(Trusted by 220+ traders)

My Unique Proposition

Hi, I’m Ivan DE aka Flow State, a long term Tradingview user. I’ll introduce myself fully further down. But right now I want you to look at this piece of code below.

It’s a snippet from my Tradingview’s #1 order flow script. In total, it has over 1,300 lines of code.Guess how long it took to develop? Over one full year of constant refinements...And it has allowed me to go from hours of arduous manual work/day into a powerful NEW script that finds daily trades in any asset with a degree of automaticity never seen.It is the ONLY fractal-based indicator in the world that finds you the hidden order flow patterns among a sea of noise and can tip you off about impending BIG moves before they happen.

High Win Rate + Higher Reward = Maths On Your Side

As a trader with exclusive access to learn the most profitable patterns of the OFA script, you would average a minimum of 3 trades/day in whichever asset you are interested most. The win rate tends to be around 60%, with a default risk reward of 3:1 or greater.

WATCH highlights on a sample of the multiple trades the OFA SCRIPT finds every single day

The Stories Of Terry & Mike

Terry from Australia, after an early retirement, had always been curious about financial markets. After much rumination, Terry decided to try out trading.But what followed were years of ups and downs, and his goal to turn trading into a monthly income-generating business fading by the day.Therefore, he had to find alternatives to stop bleeding money...Fortunately for him, one day he came across my OFA script, but the problem he faced was the steep learning curve to apply the unique properties of the script on his own.Therefore, he asked me for assistance at a time when this course had just been released. Since then, the results were just, well, "very impressive" as he puts it in the video below.And by the way, the course has been greatly improved since that time!

I will let Terry do the talking in the video...

Another story I'd like to share is about Mike, who goes by the nickname MNJ and runs private mentorships on supply and demand tradingHis name on Instagram is "supplyanddemandtrader" - Feel free to check him out!MNJ’s results were sub-optimal, recognizing he could do much better...If only he could find the missing link. A script that would send the triggers to enter trades.One day he stumbled on my OFA script by navigating through Tradingview.After teaching him to use the OFA script in a matter of weeks, his profits started to explode!Therefore, it’s fair to say, his trading has never been the same again.In fact, MNJ states: “Your script that you have shared has changed my trading 100 folds.”Note, Mike tweaked my teachings a tad so that they could better adapt to his existing system.

Check the screenshot sent by MNJ:

But this is not all, it gets better.While Terry and Mike are just the tip of the iceberg.Before I met them as some of my first students...I used the OFA script ONLY for my private trading.And despite knowing that the results/feedback were out of this world...It took me a while to let the secrets out.But eventually, I recognized that the script was a force for good to struggling traders.Therefore, on Nov 30, 2020, I published a FREE version of the script to the TradingView community, which is still available up to this point (although not for long...)That was it, this was the ultimate test. A community of millions ready to have a go.Would I get the praise I received from Terry and Mike? Or would criticism follow?Well, since the launch, my OFA script page had +100,000 VISITS…With THOUSAND+ LIKES...and HUNDREDS of traders that are making EXTRA MONTHLY INCOME... The best part? They've already dropped, again, HUNDREDS of reviews in TradingviewAnd while a very small % have found success by applying the OFA script in innovative ways like Mike...Do you know what has been the common denominator?The vast majority of traders using my OFA script would flood my inbox wanting to know all there is to know about how I've personally use it and profit from it!So, recognizing the universal praise in Tradingview, it was time to take it up a notch to really turbo-charge the difference the OFA script can make in many peoples’ lives...How? Packing TENS OF THOUSANDS OF HOURS using the OFA script in an easy-to-digest course. Therefore, shortening the learning curve massively.I knew without a mentor, it would take most that try literally YEARS to get proficient at it.I just wanted to first have the validation of the Tradingview client base before I ventured into launching the course that could change the trading journey of so many.That’s how this special OFA script course came to be really.An organic movement and demand in mass by the Tradingview community.To this day, I am very proud that since the launch...I am yet to receive ONE SINGLE NEGATIVE review!Therefore, while I won’t be the one claiming the benefits of the OFA script again...I ask you to judge by yourself.

read reviews submitted by tradingview users

I've Been There, Done That

Do you know what's the real problem?You’re getting into the trade WITHOUT previously identifying the realized order flow. Period.The random price formation confuses you and used to confuse ME!You, therefore, are shooting in the dark! Just like I did.You are missing out on the big gains that are available every single day in any assetIf you’ve lost money with other indicators or trading systems in the past… it’s NOT your fault.That’s because none of the order flow systems on Earth are based on FRACTALS.Did you know the inventor of FRACTALS is Bill Williams, who still holds the record as the most profitable winner in the World Cup Championship of Trading with an astounding 11,376%?Larry's students have often been winners of the World Cup Championship of Futures Trading too in this decade! All documented!Again, the real problem is that you’re getting into the trade WITHOUT identifying the order flow.The breakthrough indicator you’re about to learn is totally different…It’s a brand new way of making money.It’s all about getting into trades knowing you are on the right side of the structural order flow.And collecting a juicy monthly income along the way.

OFA Script Goes Private

Be aware, I want you to mark August 1st, 2024 on your calendar…Because this is the date when the OFA script will no longer remain free to use.The free ticket for the Tradingview community to use the OFA script ends on that date.Only members of the course will enjoy access to the OFA script and even its source code!This means, access to the script in perpetuity, let alone the course material and all the bonuses.From that date on, access to the OFA script for non-members will be private with a monthly fee.I hope you are not the one left behind with no longer a choice to make.You still have time to get in on this hot deal. Most people will be left out.That’s why I urge you to get in right now.Get ahead of the crowd before it’s too late.

From Trading Frustration to Financial Freedom

You see, when I started trading…I followed all types of indicators that would reveal the secret sauce.But I kept losing money as I suffered from system-hopping.A very recurring pattern at the time!These were THREE tough years of frustration.My account kept bleeding year after year.So I started to fiddle with the fractal indicator by Bill Williams.But the problem I faced was that…No one, I repeat, no one had ever put order in the chaos of random price moves.Until I did it, by designing and improving month after month the OFA script, over one full year.It felt like the sky turned blue suddenly right after the final version of the OFA script.Here I was, having cracked the code to identify order flow based on fractals. The script I had dreamed of, the one that could automatically identify the hidden order flow patterns!Something no one had ever attempted to do.I then started making 20%, 40%, 50% more in profits… in a matter of weeks.At first, I also didn’t start with a lot of money.I grew up as a middle-class kid in a small rural town in Barcelona.In the years that followed the development of the OFA script…It catapulted me to financial independence by trading stocks, forex, cryptos, you name it.I’ve become obsessed and intimately familiar with the OFA script…and the automatic patterns it identifies to find profitable daily trades in any asset.So, to cut a long story short, you can start with very little money…And because some of the trades you find are so explosive, you can make fantastic returns.Look at the journeys of Terry or Mike. They have been transformational!They are but a VERY SMALL sample of traders that have achieved their financial goals and independence by leveraging the qualities of the OFA script.

Find Order In The Chaos

There are literally trillions of dollars exchanging hands every day.As an individual trader, all you need is to spot opportunities that are clear enough...and that offers an attractive win rate and high risk-reward prospects.In order to take advantage of these daily trading opportunities to make money…It’s important that you first understand the mechanics of the OFA script.The script is designed, at its core, to simplify the decision-making process.But it was not always the case. I spent endless nights conducting manual studies.Until I put in the hours to develop the 1,300+ lines of code.This changed everything. Why?The script analyzes and automatically identifies order flow based on fractal structure breaks.Every time there is a new fractal formation, it re-evaluates the side in control (the structure!)But that’s not all, it also displays the velocity and the magnitude of each cycle numerically.Plus, NEW FEATURES like Circles & Diamonds make it easier to spot trades.The OFA script is the only one on Earth to predict future directions based on fractal order flow.It’s about time that out of the trillions of $$ exchanging hands daily in electronic trading...A small but meaningful portion is claimed by users of the OFA script!My favorite quote from Bill Williams, the godfather of the fractal theory, goes like this:"The market's chaotic nature can be first tamed and then mastered by understanding its underlying structure, revealed by Fractals, which are the building blocks of the market, highlighting key turning points and potential opportunities."

I have a final message I would like to share with you in the video below.

Unlock Access to the Exclusive Signals

Are you ready to take your trading skills to the next level?Today, I have an incredible offer that's going to blow your mind!Here's what's included in this game-changing package:SPECIAL COURSE (VALUE $599.00): Uncover the breakthrough strategies and insights that have helped a growing army of traders achieve financial freedom. You get lifetime access! The course covers everything you need to know to become a successful trader.🎁BONUS 1 (VALUE $999.00): Exclusive access to the OFA script for life before it gets locked in TradingView. Once the doors close, using the OFA script will come at a monthly fee!🎁BONUS 2 (VALUE $1,999.00): Exclusive access to my proprietary OFA script source code. This is a big deal and I hope I don't regret it! Enjoy the flexibility of making personal edits, adding alerts, and using the source code for non-commercial purposes.🎁BONUS 3 (VALUE $999.00): Keep your trading game sharp with the option for correspondence the first year. Enhance your strategies, tackle challenges, and optimize your trade decisions through this personal line of communication. The learning just doesn't stop!🎁BONUS 4 (VALUE $499.00): Stay ahead of the curve with access to ongoing new video lessons, primarily focusing on new trades spotted by the OFA script. You will be notified via email. Keep learning and refining your trading strategies with expert guidance.🌟TESTIMONIALS: Don't just take my word for it! I remind you that you can read from all the satisfied users who have achieved incredible results with the OFA course (click below). Can you imagine what is it like if you take action and transform your trading forever?READ REVIEWS BY TRADINGVIEW USERS💰 Just to put things into perspective, a similar course by Bill Williams on the power of fractals would cost you a whopping $3,999.00. But I am not charging you anywhere near that.When you add it all up, you're getting a total value of $4,496.00 worth of exclusive content and bonuses. But, for a limited time only, I am offering this entire package at a ridiculous discount!


OFA Special Package

Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform your trading journey and secure your financial future. This incredible offer won't last long, so act fast and secure your spot now! Get access to the tools and knowledge you need to become a successful trader.

VALUE $4,496.00
NOW $399 till 08/01/24
= just over $1/day for a year
(1x Fee = Lifetime Access)

    Find below all the benefits included in your lifetime subscription:

    • Full access to the special OFA course (life-time)

    • Exclusive access to the script before locked in Tradingview (life-time)

    • Access to the source code for non-commercial use (life-time)

    • Ongoing video lessons & new trades spotted by the script (life-time)

    • Open line of communication via email (first year with option to extend)

    Upon purchase via Influx Kapital PT Paypal, the course is sent to the email registered. Only a one-time fee for lifetime access. Paypal is set up to cancel further payments automatically.
    If any doubt before sign up, reach out to ivan.delgado04@gmail.com or influxkap@gmail.com

    OFA Pro Package

    (1x Fee = Lifetime Access)

    Find below all the benefits included in your lifetime subscription:

    • All the benefits from the Special Package plus...

    • Weekly communication via Telegram to monitor progress for the 1st year

    Upon purchase via Influx Kapital PT Paypal, the course is sent to the email registered. Only a one-time fee for lifetime access. Paypal is set up to cancel further payments automatically.
    If any doubt before sign up, reach out to ivan.delgado04@gmail.com or influxkap@gmail.com

    OFA PRO+ Package

    (1x Fee = Lifetime Access)

    Find below all the benefits included in your lifetime subscription:

    • All the benefits from the PRO Package plus...

    • Five exclusive 1-on-1 sessions (up to 1h each) via Zoom with FlowState

    Upon purchase via Influx Kapital PT Paypal, the course is sent to the email registered. Only a one-time fee for lifetime access. Paypal is set up to cancel further payments automatically.
    If any doubt before sign up, reach out to ivan.delgado04@gmail.com or influxkap@gmail.com


    Pick Your Option

    Look, by now you’ve seen how traders find daily profitable trades and are mind-blown by the power of the OFA script. All by using the simple OFA strategies I teach in the course.I’ve provided a special offer with a one-time > 90% discount. Now it’s time for a decision.The Way I See It You Have Three Options…OPTION 1: DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING Stay exactly where you are right now.If you already have enough to retire and you’re not worried about running out of money during your golden years…Then maybe you don’t need this OFA script and the strategies I teach.But if you’d like to make some extra monthly income, that leaves you with two other options…OPTION 2: DO IT YOURSELFYou can try to keep trading on your own while the OFA script it’s free to use.And somehow find a way to teach yourself how to max out the benefits.But trust me, that’s going to take years of utter frustration for the vast majority.Let alone fall back into system-hopping when I close the doors to the free OFA script access.Then what? Try to analyze the randomness of price with your zillionth indicator?And hope you’ll pick the right one… the one that could set you out on the profitable path?If you’re willing to work hard and spend ridiculous hours on your PC, you might pull it off.You will always have the doors open in the future, but by then, remember, the OFA script will come with a monthly fee to access + a separate charge for the special course.OPTION 3: LET ME DO THE HEAVY LIFTING FOR YOUI will put my proven OFA script to work for you.The script will do the legwork and in no time you will call the daily trade signals it fires.All you need to do is study my course lessons, take advantage of all the bonuses included, practice, and place trade after trade.Only a couple hours to trade/day? That’s enough to find a few trades in your favorite assets.Then end of the month you collect an extra paycheck.Of these three options, ask yourself…What’s going to be easier for you?You see, there are two types of people in this world…Those who only dream about achieving their financial goals...Without ever taking any action to make it happen…And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.Most people will tell you they want to retire rich. But we both know very few make it happen.It’s a natural law of financial wealth...The classic tale of the willful and the wishful.Most people will keep dreaming…While the few who are actually serious about their financial future will take action.Since you’ve read and watched my entire presentation thus far.I think you’re one of the few special ones.If I’m right and you’re still with me…I’m ready to send you the whole course and the bonuses that come with it!

    not ready to sign up? submit your email to get a monthly tease of the new lessons students receive

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